Become a Committee Chair!
As you may have noticed, the Albany Chapter has an incredible amount of outings every quarter, an annual banquet always with top shelf entertainment and monthly membership meetings with great presentations. As you might suspect, this does not happen by itself. We owe all of this to a quality group of volunteer committee chairs and administrators. We are always in need of new volunteers as those of us currently in positions either term limit out or get busy with other things going on in our lives. We are looking for chapter members who are active in the club and interested in forwarding the mission of the ADK to help with the administration of the chapter. If you are interested in helping out and have some time & energy to donate, let us know what type of skill or administrative experience you have to offer.
Contact us for information on how to become a committee chair.
Become an Outings leader!
We are always looking for volunteers to lead outdoor recreational outings or social activities for chapter members and it’s a great way to gain leadership experience and give back. ADK will provide some basic training, though volunteers leading hiking or paddling trips should have experience and be familiar with the places they are bringing people to. You must be a current ADK member to lead outings. If you’d like to become an Outings Leader, contact Ralph Keating at for more information. Active ADK leaders may be eligible for some financial aid (if available) to take outdoor skills workshops including first aid, winter mountaineering, and leave no trace.
Additional Volunteer Opportunities
The Adirondack Mountain Club is always looking for volunteers to help protect the wild lands of New York for future generations. Check out for more information!