Hi, welcome to the Adirondack Mountain Club Albany chapter’s new website. While the new site isn’t quite finished, we wanted to make it live and give members the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the layout and navigation while we finish up. Transitioning to a new website can be hard, especially if the new layout is very different from the previous website. This is why, we are provide ample time for you to use both versions of the website before this site replaces the current version. We will use this time to smooth out issues and ensure the transition is as seamless as possible. With that goal in mind we are providing a short running list of likely FAQs.
Why is the website being changed?
There are several good reasons to update a website. For instance, As style standards and coding practices evolve to become more efficient, more versatile, and more resistant to hacking, it is a good practice to completely update a website to match the most recent standards every so often. Additionally, you may have noticed the link to the chapter website has changed. That is because the new website is hosted by the parent Adirondack Mountain Club organization. This is beneficial to the Albany chapter in two key ways. 1) By adopting a website that is rooted in the parent organization’s brand standards, the Albany Chapter is more clearly affiliated with the parent organization which provides more opportunities for chapter growth and membership outreach. 2) By going through the hosting with the parent organization, we have much more robust technical support which should more or less eliminate unexpected downtime, like the prolonged period of downtime we experienced this past April.
How do I submit trips?
If you are a trip leader and you want to submit a trip, please use the Trip Leader Submissions page.
Where can I leave feedback about the new site?
If you find any major issues such as broken links, jumbled formatting, or if you have a great idea for a new feature we should add, please use our Contact Us page.